Boy, 2020’s a doozie isn’t it? But I’ve got to say, I’m thankful for a return to work and getting to work on some stellar projects with some cool people these past few months. Yes, the Current Issue(s) have made things challenging and exhausting in their own special way, but it’s heartening to see people pushing through and supporting one another. Stay safe out there and keep other folks safe, too! Check in and take breaks!
We’re continuing with summer Chill Nature Times – because fall is fast passing me by (or it’s pouring rain). So we can throw back and think about warmer weather and tepid waters on Friday afternoons.
Bear Mountain Park, BC Canada
Lee Rosevere
“Distant Shores”
🦐 Produced and shot a music video with Lady Eye for her very first single!
🦐 Explore video games with the wonders of noclip – in browser as it is in my heart
🦐 ah yes, *grass*