Red-Osier Dogwood at the Marsh

It’s been a while – both since I’ve been out to shoot things, and since I’ve posted! So Hi, happy almost-summer. Time has passed – so inevitably, things have changed. I live somewhere new now with some room to spread out, and seems I have a jam-packed June to jump into. 2021 so far has been a much more difficult balance than 2020 – a lot of things seem in flux, a lot of pieces are moving, and there is so much speculation and doubt. The only sure thing is definitely uncertainty, which really makes the part of my brain that sits in a luke warm tub of anxiety all day bring out the noisemakers.

Having moved recently and still going through that relatively tedious and unpleasant task of going through things (namely things placed in a storage unit last time I moved, and barely thought of since then), I am reminded of places I have come from – physically and mentally. Those are vulnerable thoughts from times when I was more emotional, and much less wise. Our past selves certainly are there to teach our present ones, you know?

This most recent trip to Pitt-Addington was uneventful, and short – but I’m glad I went. This summer’s going to be spent finding some new corners of the world. Somehow, after the quietness of the pandemic, the world now seems to have exploded with busyness.

Pitt-Addington March, Pitt Meadows BC

Lee Rosevere
“In the Clearing”

🎣 Cinema Spectacular’s dates have been announced! Come hang out (virtually) July 15-19th, 2021

🎣 Have you hear Shonen Knife’s Osaka Ramones?

🎣 TWRP released a groovy lil selection of covers!

🎣 Northwoods Frog Call Phenology