Tag: lac du bois
Humming breezes through Clover
It’s Valentines Day! Today, appreciate all of the relationships in your life – the different kinds of love, and the importance of each. As a kid, love kind of only meant what I saw in the movies – like Big Broadway Love with Huge Declarations of specifically romantic love. I am basically a dinosaur now,…
Baby, it’s ripping hot outside
*squints into December* well, that doesn’t look good. Today’s Chill Nature Time is another from my afternoon spent at the Lac Du Bois grasslands. It was dusty and hot; the sun warming the humming meadows of clover and goldenrod. Not a person, problem, or worry around. Head empty, no thought, only protected grassland. This time…
Sagebrush for your thoughts
The end of summer always seems so rushed – I always want to have gone more places and done more things before the weather closes in. With sunset seeping backwards into the day, and the complete isolation of the smoke this week, I’ve been dwelling on the feeling of fall. What always marked this time…
Pool of yellow flowers in the heat
The summer heat is here and it is 🌶🌶🌶 Grasslands are a gift of small things trying to stay cool and hydrated. While finding shots in this pastel landscape, I picked up about a shopping bag full of garbage in a 20 foot radius of where I parked my car. Pack out what you pack…