Tag: british columbia

  • The Patience to Build and wait

    The Patience to Build and wait

    Every time I think I’ve pushed through a certain kind of stress, another one kind of shows up to rudely crash my party. My mental toolkit of things to keep my head above the water is getting a little messy – the screwdriver is missing, there’s an empty plastic baggie that once held drywall screws,…

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  • Last Season’s Start

    Last Season’s Start

    Oh hey – if you’re reading this, you’ve most certainly made it to 2022. High fives all around. It’s been a Time, folks. I had my first solo Christmas, it dumped snow! Gave myself an extended holiday which has just kind of… kept doing due to job cancellations from COVID. I have been able to…

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  • Starry Surface

    Starry Surface

    Love real-life particle physics generators but with ducks. Nothing’s very the same for very long, isn’t it? Keeps us on our toes. With November coming in like a freight train, I find autumn in Vancouver a rather short, wet affair followed by many months of a humid, low cloud ceiling sort of vibe. The past…

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  • Red-Osier Dogwood at the Marsh

    Red-Osier Dogwood at the Marsh

    It’s been a while – both since I’ve been out to shoot things, and since I’ve posted! So Hi, happy almost-summer. Time has passed – so inevitably, things have changed. I live somewhere new now with some room to spread out, and seems I have a jam-packed June to jump into. 2021 so far has…

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  • Egg Yolk Sunset

    Egg Yolk Sunset

    You cannot support your community by putting down others. Support kind of begets support; which is nice, we should perpetuate that more. The ability to listen is really important! Also just because something doesn’t affect you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect others! It’s been a loooong while since I got out into the brush to…

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  • A Honey Sunset Homecoming

    A Honey Sunset Homecoming

    New! I can finally add some seasonally appropriate Chill Nature Time videos to your feeds. This one is long, and I honestly could have stood there until I was a lonely figure in the night. Ducks kept coming and going, and the sun kept peeking out from behind the clouds as it quickly took leave…

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  • Creekside at Kicking Horse

    Creekside at Kicking Horse

    I’m hoping I wont miss *all* of the fall colour in this work-blitz I’ve been powering through – but for now we’re still livin’ in the hot summer Chill Nature Times. My project turnaround lately has been pretty intense. It’s a great way for me to be working, learning, and networking – because not only…

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  • Sundappled Sutherland Runoff

    Sundappled Sutherland Runoff

    Quite often, good stuff isn’t far from where you’ve pitched your tent. Not far from a pullout after the hairpins that take you down to Blanket Creek is a little lookout over a stout waterfall called Sutherland. The sun dapples were *on point* and I had a quiet half hour finding chill vibes. Where: Sutherland…

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  • Pool of yellow flowers in the heat

    Pool of yellow flowers in the heat

    The summer heat is here and it is 🌶🌶🌶 Grasslands are a gift of small things trying to stay cool and hydrated. While finding shots in this pastel landscape, I picked up about a shopping bag full of garbage in a 20 foot radius of where I parked my car. Pack out what you pack…

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